Friday, April 24, 2009

Another addiction...?

So I'm thinking that it's kinda cool to have a blog set up now but on the flip side I wonder just how destructive it will be to my already exploding timetable... Being someone who thinks... alot... and journals... alot... and yes, I confess I am also a big-time facebooker... I wonder if having opened the door to yet another online world creates a fear in me of being instantly addicted... And we all know what addictions lead to... Nothing else getting done!

So in the hope of preventing an unhealthy relationship with my new online friend,, I will hold off getting started properly until I have established some reasonable boundaries in my head.

Perhaps I will publish these boundaries and my reasons for them for your interest in useless information...

Until I return with my first 'real' post... Happy blogging


  1. It's not too addictive Jess!!...not much anyway :)
    look forward yto when you write your first 'real' post!!

  2. Mega rad! .. Jess is on blogger too! woo! :)
